Atheist Freethinkers

Sarah Posner


Sarah Posner


Sarah Posner, author of God’s Profits: Faith, Fraud, and the Republican Crusade for Values Voters (PoliPoint 2008), is a preeminent investigative journalist and associate editor of the website where she writes a blog about religion and politics. An expert on the US Religious Right, she is a senior correspondent for The American Prospect. Her work has also appeared in The Nation, Salon, The Washington Spectator, The Daily Beast, the religion blogs at the Washington Post and the Guardian, and other publications.

Synopsis of Presentation

Christian Nation Goes International:
How the Religious Right Is Exporting Its American Agenda Around the Globe

Pundits frequently like to write the religious right’s obituary, often citing softening opposition to gay marriage or the shrinking zealotry for the old “culture war” issues. Not only does this minimize the vibrancy of the religious right in the United States, it completely overlooks how the movement has gone global. At the heart of this global movement, just like in America, is the mythology of the “Christian nation,” a mythology that depicts western civilization fighting for its life against competing “worldviews,” including secularism and Islam. From Washington to London, from Virginia Beach to Harare, the religious right is exporting its activism. Its activists have become the international globetrotters for not just a Christian nation in America, but a global Christianity modeled on its vision of an America governed by biblical principles.