Menaces de mort pour le port du voile (“Death Threats to Impose Wearing the Veil”), Michael Nguyen, Journal de Montréal, 2021-03-03.
A Montréal Muslim man told his four daughters that he would kill them if they stopped wearing the Islamic veil has been found guilty in court and is now awaiting sentencing. The father also beat his daughters and forbid them to have male friends. These events occurred starting in 2016, shortly after the family arrived in Montréal from Algeria.
It was a teacher who discovered the situation and registered the complaint because the daughters were afraid to do so because they feared their father.
Bravo to the teacher who registered the complaint against the father! This example illustrates the necessity of legislation such as Quebec Bill 21. If the daughters had had a teacher who wore the veil, would she have acted in the interest of the girls?
The Shafia children also had asked for help, and they died. Maybe, just maybe, teachers and education authorities are becoming more aware of what could happen?