Commission scolaire English-Montréal: 1,3 M$ pour contester la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État (English Montreal School Board: $1.3 million to challenge Quebec’s secularism law), Patrick Bellerose, Journal de Québec, 2024-02-01.
The English Montreal School Board (EMSB) has spent, to date, at least $1.3 million in public money to challenge Quebec Bill 21 in court. Board president Ortona says there is no spending limit for legal challenges in which the board is engaged. Ortona also does not rule out appealing to the Supreme Court. The meter continues to run.
This is worse than just a waste of money. It is downright harmful. The EMSB is throwing taxpayers’ money out the window for regressive purposes, to delay secularization of the school system.
See also:
- What exactly are opponents of Bill 21 advocating?, Nadia El-Mabrouk and Yasmine Mohammed.
- Why We Support Bill 21, David Rand.
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