In the News:
Senate of France Bans Religious Symbols in Sports

Le Sénat adopte une proposition de loi pour interdire le port de signes religieux dans les compétitions sportives (Senate adopts draft legislation to ban wearing religious symbols in sports competitions), Le Monde avec AFP, Le Monde, 2025-02-18.

On Tuesday [18th February 2025], the Upper House adopted, by 210 votes to 81, a text brought by LR [Les Républicains] senator Michel Savin with strong government support, which would prohibit, in particular, the wearing of the veil in sports competitions, including amateur level.

This is draft legislation which must now be sent to the National Assembly. The bill would prohibit:

  • the wearing of any conspicuous symbol of political or religious affiliation in competitions organised by sports federations;
  • the use of gymnasia or sports fields for religious ceremonies, e.g. for group prayers ;
  • in swimming pools, wearing clothing incompatible with the “neutrality of public services” or secularism, e.g. the burkini.

Very good measures, necessary to curb religious infiltration, in particular the spread of political Islam.

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