International Affiliations

The international affiliations of Atheist Freethinkers (LPA-AFT).

Atheist Alliance International (AAI)

Atheist Alliance International was founded in the United States in 1991, initially as Atheist Alliance. It became an explicitly international organization in 2001 and is now a global federation of atheist and freethinking groups and individuals.

In 2010, AAI organized, in conjunction with Humanist Canada, a convention in Montreal with the title Atheists Without Borders. Our organization Atheist Freethinkers grew out of a committee which helped organize the convention.

The association Atheist Freethinkers (LPA-AFT) was affiliated with the International Association of Free Thought (IAFT) from the IAFT’s foundation in 2011, up until 2018. At its annual general meeting, held on 10th November 2018, LPA-AFT decided to withdraw from the IAFT.

Coordination Athée Francophone (CAF)

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