If you agree with the principles expressed in the Atheist Manifesto, we invite you to express your support by signing it using the form below. Thank you.
Kareem Muhssin, Ireland
Spencer Warren, Canada
Muhammad Rehan, United Arab Emirates
Micheline Claes, France
[Name withheld by signer], Netherlands
Tonoy Emroz Alam, Germany
Maciej Morycinski, Canada
Gaurav, India
[Name withheld by signer], Canada
4ener, Canada
Michelle Carnall, Canada
Daniel Bukvasevich, Croatia
Timothy Pella, Canada
Robert Powell, Canada
Jean Corriveau, Canada
Benoit Rochon, Canada
HARRY PERRY, United Kingdom
Mo abduljabbar Abboodi, Canada
[Name withheld by signer], Canada
Thomas Fourie, Canada
Sebastian Brown, Canada
[Name withheld by signer], Canada
Chuck Eelhart, Canada
azar aziz, Morocco
Ron Francisco, Canada
…see all signatories of the Atheist Manifesto