The Rassemblement pour la laïcité or Alliance for Secularism was launched in 2013 in order to support the adoption of a secularism Charter by the government of Quebec. Draft Bill 60, proposed by the Parti Québécois (PQ) government of the time, was published in November 2013. That bill died with the defeat of the PQ in the elections held on April 7th 2014. Nevertheless, legislation making Quebec a secular state is still urgently needed and the Alliance continues its activities with that goal.
Our organization Atheist Freethinkers has been a participant of the Alliance since its beginnings. Like several other participating organizations, we submitted a brief in support of the proposed Charter to the Commission des institutions of the Quebec National Assembly.
In November of 2016, the RPL launched its new 2016 declaration.
Recent Activities
- RPL Press Release, 2025-03-20, Bill 94: A Major Step Towards Secular Public Schools
- Bill 84 and National Integration, a Further Step towards Social Cohesion, Nadia El-Mabrouk, François Dugré, Marie-Claude Girard, Etienne-Alexis Boucher, Lucie Jobin, Lyne Jubinville and Raphaël Guérard
- RPL Press Release, 2025-01-23: Challenge before Supreme Court, Nadia El-Mabrouk & six cosigners, board members of RPL: Etienne-Alexis Boucher, Marie-Claude Girard, François Dugré, Lyne Jubinville, Raphaël Guérard and Lucie Jobin
- The Religious Exception for Hate Propaganda has Lasted Long Enough, Nadia El-Mabrouk, Etienne-Alexis Boucher, David Rand, Marie-Claude Girard, François Dugré, Lyne Jubinville, Raphaël Guérard and Lucie Jobin, members of RPL
- Decisive Action for Secular Schools, Nadia El-Mabrouk, President of RPL
- 2024-06-25: Prayers in Public Spaces, Letter from RPL to Minister Roberge
- The Senate Report on Islamophobia is the Fruit of Ideological Intoxication, Nadia El-Mabrouk & François Dugré
- Culture and Citizenship Quebec Program: Two Observations, Nadia El-Mabrouk for RPL Board of Directors
- Amira Elghawaby’s Office does Not Facilitate Constructive Dialogue, Collective Letter with over 200 signatories
- What exactly are opponents of Bill 21 advocating?, Nadia El-Mabrouk and Yasmine Mohammed
- Secularism in Quebec: Questions for the Political Parties, Nadia El-Mabrouk
- RPL Press Release, 2022-05-11: Motion before the House of Commons, Canadian Parliamentarians Stuck in Premodern Times
- Open Letter to the CMAJ: Concerning the Hijab Worn by Young Girls
- RPL Press Release, 2021-12-12: Veiled Teacher at WQSB, RPL Denounces Political & Media Exploitation
- RPL Press Release, 2021-10-24: Quebec Culture and Citizenship, A promising new course for social cohesion
- RPL Press Release, 2021-10-18: Bill 21 : EMSB seeks exemption from usual rule of law
- RPL Press Release, 2021-10-06: Against Vaccination Exemptions for Religious Reasons in the Federal Public Service
- RPL Press Release, 2021-04-20: The RPL responds to the decision of Quebec Superior Court concerning Bill 21.
- Pauline Marois Supports Bill 21
- RPL Press Release, 2020-04-09: The RPL is satisfied with the Supreme Court Decision
- RPL Press Release, 2019-12-12: Alliance for Secularism Welcomes the Decision by the Court of Appeal
- RPL Press Release, 2019-12-01: Alliance for Secularism supports complaint before Canadian Judicial Council
- RPL Press Release, 2019-06-17: Secularism, Finally!
- 2019-05-06: Seven Organizations in Support of Draft Bill 21 on Secularism:
Other Relevant Links
- Statement Concerning the Attack on the Islamic Cultural Centre in Quebec City, 2017-02-01
- The Rassemblement pour la laïcité launches its new 2016 declaration
- RPL petition against religious symbols worn by Canadian cabinet ministers, 2016-02-04
- The Rassemblement pour la laïcité condemns the pretence of state secularism proposed by the Couillard government
- Rassemblement pour la laïcité (Alliance for Secularism)
- Secularism: A Unifying Principle, Declaration of the Alliance for Secularism
- The Quebec Charter of Values: A major advance towards secularism, AFT Press Release, 17th September 2013.
- Quebec Plans to Adopt Secularism as Official Policy, November 2013
- Excerpts from our Brief in Support of Bill 60, 23rd December 2013
- Freedom From Religion, 13th February 2014, Presentation of the brief of the organization Atheist Freethinkers before public hearings of the Commission des institutions of the Quebec National Assembly, concerning Draft Bill 60.
- The Secularization of Quebec Delayed Indefinitely?, July 2014