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Appeal for Humanitarian Aid Lebanon
Posted By jean.meslier On 2024-10-31 @ 10:32 In | No Comments
The Lebanese Philosophy of Law Association (Association libanaise de philosophie du droit or ALIPHID), which promotes secularism and democracy, and whose statutes commit it undertaking charitable activities, launches an urgent appeal for humanitarian aid for displaced Lebanese persons. Lebanon has in fact been experiencing a veritable war with Israel for a year, but it has become a real catastrophe for the past 40 days, although mainly focused on Hezbollah. Nevertheless, almost the entire country is being bombed and it is civilians who pay the price: in particular those forced to leave their villages with nothing and take refuge in schools, in administrative centres or in tents located in public squares (around 1,200,000). Our association in such moments finds itself under an obligation to help. This is indeed one of the requirements of philosophy (wisdom, practical life, participation in the suffering of the people, etc.).
For such aid we neither know how, nor do we want, to turn to sources of funding other than friends and those who share our ideas (otherwise we would be selling out) and that is why we can barely save our website (https://aliphid.net
You can help either by sending material (clothing, food, tents, mattresses, etc.) or by sending funds with which we buy products that we distribute to the displaced, with supporting documents, signed by public officials of the displaced persons groups, attached to the Ministry of Social Affairs.
You may contact us by email (aliphid123@gmail.com
[2]) concerning sending material aid or for any other question.
Option 1 :
To the bank account IBAN of ALIPHID:
Account Number: 0127220
Swift code: BKAWLBBE
Beneficiary name: Association libanaise de philosophie du droit
IBAN: In dollars IBAN LB22 0058 0016 USD4 6110 1272 2000
Option 2 :
By a fast transfer company (which avoids questions and answers from IBAN banks) of your choice: Western Union, RIA, ou any other transfer company with agencies or correspondents in Lebanon (in which case the recipient is Marie-Rose Saad, treasurer of ALIPHID, telephone 009613488014, Whatsapp as well).
Finally, you can also suggest links to charitable organizations by email if you know of any.
Many thanks to our sympathizers.
Article printed from Atheist Freethinkers: https://www.atheology.ca
URL to article: https://www.atheology.ca/appeal-humanitarian-aid-lebanon/
URLs in this post:
[1] https://aliphid.net
: https://aliphid.net/
[2] aliphid123@gmail.com
: mailto:aliphid123@gmail.com
[3] : https://www.facebook.com/sharer/sharer.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atheology.ca%2Fappeal-humanitarian-aid-lebanon%2F
[4] : http://twitter.com/intent/tweet?text=Appeal%20for%20Humanitarian%20Aid%20Lebanon&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.atheology.ca%2Fappeal-humanitarian-aid-lebanon%2F
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