Author: jean.meslier

In the News: Council of Europe Rejects Religious Accommodation

Council of Europe rejects recommendation on reasonable accommodation, European Humanist Federation (EHF), 2020-01-29. Brussels, 29 January 2020 – The European Humanist Federation (EHF) welcomes the rejection of the recommendation on “The protection of freedom of religion or belief in the

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In the News: Complete Revision of ERC Planned

Quebec to abolish ethics and religious culture course, to make way for ’21st-century themes’ , Laura Marchand, CBC News, 2020-01-10. The Coalition Avenir Québec government plans to abolish the ethics and religious culture (ECR) course currently offered in Quebec schools.

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In the News: MLQ Intervenes in Court For Bill 21

Pro-Bill 21 group wins round in court challenge, Presse Canadienne, Montreal Gazette, 2020-01-09. A pro-secularism group has obtained leave from Quebec Superior Court to intervene in one of the legal challenges to Bill 21, Quebec’s secularism legislation. The Mouvement laïque

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In the News: Ireland’s Blasphemy Law Finally Gone

Ireland no longer has a blasphemy law, Atheist Ireland, 2020-01-02. We start the new decade with the good news that Ireland no longer has the medieval crime of blasphemy in our laws. Over the Christmas period, President Michael D Higgins

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In the News: Clergy Excluded from Order of Precedence in Quebec

Le clergé écarté de l’ordre de préséance pour les cérémonies publiques au Québec (Clergy Excluded from Order of Precedence for Official Ceremonies in Quebec), Marie-Michèle Sioui, Le Devoir, 2019-11-22. Catholic Church authorities will no longer have precedence over Members of

In the News: Freedom of Thought Report 2019 from Humanists International

Blasphemy laws exist in 69 countries, report finds, National Secular Society (NSS), 2019-11-13. Sixty-nine countries have blasphemy laws and penalties have hardened in parts of the world in recent years, according to a report on the status and rights of

In the News: Alberta Conscience Rights Bill Threatens Access to Abortion and Other Health Services

Dissent grows over Alberta conscience rights bill as MLAs vote for more consultation, Nadine Yousif, The Star Edmonton, 2019-11-18. A controversial bill that deals with conscience rights for healthcare workers who refuse to provide care on moral or religious grounds

In the News: Benefits of Banning the Veil in French Schools

Effects of banning the Islamic veil in public schools, French policy improved Muslim girls’ educational outcomes, IZA Newsroom, 2019-11-14. High school graduation rates improve for Muslim girls In particular, comparing women with and without a Muslim background shows a marked

In the News: MLQ Honours Legal Expert Julie Latour

Le prix Condorcet-Dessaulles 2019 à Me Julie Latour (2019 Condorcet-Dessaulles Prize Awarded to Ms. Julie Latour), Mouvement laïque québécois, L’aut’journal, 2019-11-12. The Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ, Quebec Secular Movement) awarded its 2019 Condorcet-Dessaulles Prize to the legal expert Ms. Julie

In the News: An Outrageous Religious Privilege in Ohio Schools

Ohio House passes bill allowing student answers to be scientifically wrong due to religion, WKRC Staff, ABC 6, 2019-11-13 Ohio lawmakers are weighing in on how public schools can teach things like evolution. The Ohio House on Wednesday passed the “Student

In the News: CEMB announces fundraising for an Ex-Muslim Refuge

Help us establish first ex-Muslim refuge in world, Maryam Namazie, CEMB, 2019-10-28. Click to view full size We at Council of Ex Muslims of Britain (CEMB) are raising funds for the first emergency shelter for ex-Muslims in order to provide

Did you know? Canadian Firearms Licences Regulations have a Religious Exception

Did you know that the Canadian Firearms Licences Regulations have a religious exception which allows the applicant to be exempted from the obligation of providing a photo for his or her permit? You are no doubt familiar with the religious

In the News: Femen denounces the visit to France of the Torturer of Raif Badawi

Femen, Facebook page of Femen, 2019-09-16. Cliquer pour agrandir The Foundation of Islam of France and the Muslim World League together organize an “International conference for Peace and Solidarity” tomorrow on the 17 of September 2019. The conference will be

In the News: Elected Women Against the Burquini

Burkini : l’Association des femmes élues de l’Isère “lance un cri d’alarme” (Burkini: The Association of Elected Women of Isère Sounds the Alarm),, 2019-07-06. An association of elected women from the French region of Isère, which includes the city of

In the News: Tunisia Bans Face Coverings in Public Buildings

Tunisia bans niqab in government buildings, France 24, 2019-07-06 Tunisia’s premier on Friday banned the niqab face covering in government offices, citing security concerns after attacks in the North African country. Prime Minister Youssef Chahed signed a government circular “banning

In the News: Quebec is Secular!

An Historic Date and a Great Victory! 16th June 2019 The National Assembly Adopts Bill 21 An Act respecting the laicity of the State Quebec Becomes a Secular State! RPL Press Release, 2019-06-17: Secularism, Finally!

In the News: Open Letter to the Prime Minister of New Zealand

Public Letter To the Prime Minister of New Zealand, 2019-03-31. Given the importance of this petition, we reproduce it below in its entirety. To the Prime Minister of New Zealand, Mrs, We wish to send our deepest sympathies to you

In the News: AQNAL Writes to the Prime Minister of New Zealand

To the attention of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, AQNAL, 2019-03-27. Given the importance of this letter, we reproduce it below in its entirety. To the attention of New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Madam Prime Minister, It is

In the News: Betraying Women and Free Thought in the Name of Christchurch

Betraying women and free thought in the name of Christchurch massacres, Marieme Helie Lucas, Secularism is a Womens Issue, 2019-03-24. In response to massacres perpetrated by extreme-right white supremacists in 2 mosques in New Zealand on March 15 2019, several

In the News: Canton of Geneva Bans Religious Symbols

Geneva votes to ban religious symbols on public employees, Agence France-Presse, The Local (Switzerland), 2019-02-11. Geneva residents on Sunday voted for a controversial new “secularism law”, which will among other things ban elected officials and public employees from wearing visible

In the News: FEMEN supports Zineb El Rhazoui, target of death threats after calling to defy Islam

FEMEN supports Zineb El Rhazoui, the journalist who receives death threats after calling to defy Islam. SUPPORT ZINEB EL RHAZOUI! Who will dare to be Zineb today? Why is important to be Zineb El Rhazoui today, after all the predictable

In the News: Google Software Reports Blasphemy and Heresy in Indonesia

Google Hosts Sharia Law App Enabling Muslims to Report Blasphemy and Heresy to the Police, Tyler O’Neil, PJ Media, 2018-12-12. On December 7, 2018, the Google Play Store approved the latest version of “Smart Pakem,” an app that allows Muslims

In the News: Condorcet-Dessaulles Prizewinners Call for Withdrawal of “Religious Culture” Part of ERC course

Il faut revoir le cours Éthique et culture religieuse (The Ethics and Religious Culture Course Must be Revised), Nadia El-Mabrouk, Andréa Richard, Le Devoir, 2018-12-19. In an article in Le Devoir, Nadia El-Mabrouk and Andréa Richard, recipients of the 2018

In the News: Canadian Anti-Blasphemy Law Repealed

C-51, An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Department of Justice Act and to make consequential amendments to another Act, 42nd Parliament, 1st Session, Parliament of Canada, Senate, 2018-12-13. Last Stage CompletedRoyal Assent (2018-12-13) The Canadian Senate has

In the News: NSS Opposes Formal Definition of “Islamophobia”

Home secretary urged not to adopt definition of ‘Islamophobia’, National Secular Society (NSS), 2018-12-09. The National Secular Society has urged the home secretary to resist calls to adopt a formal definition of ‘Islamophobia’ which have been put forward by a