- Comité des sages (Committee of Experts), on the issue of gender identity
- AFT Brief presented to the Comité des sages (in French), 2024-05-21.
- Highlights of AFT Presentation to the Comité des sages (in English)
- Courtroom Log of Hak versus AGQ
- PRESS RELEASE of 2020-09-16: LPA-AFT’s Court Intervention in Support of Bill 21,
- Court Intervention in Support of Bill 21
- Legal Fund: Fundraising Campaign for our Court Intervention in Support of Bill 21
- AFT Brief (in French) submitted for Consultations on the Ethics and Religious Culture Program, 2020-02-21.
- Presentation of AFT Brief submitted for Consultations on the ERC Program
- AFT Brief (in French) submitted to the parliamentary commission studying Draft Bill nº62, 2016-11-04.
- Blog 078: Draft Bill 62 grants privileges to religions, thus defying religious neutrality, Presentation of AFT Brief on Draft Bill nº62.
- AFT Brief (in French) submitted to the parliamentary commission studying Draft Bill nº60, 2013-12-20.
- Blog 041: Freedom From Religion, Presentation of AFT Brief on Draft Bill nº60.
Briefs by Atheist Freethinkers

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