AFT Bulletin, 2020-11-02

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Bill 21 Before the Courts
HAK versus A.-G. of Quebec Starts Today!

From November 2nd (today) to December 7th 2020, legal proceedings in which Ms. Ichrak Nourel Hak and the Attorney-General of Quebec face off against each other will take place at the Montreal Court House. Ms. Hak and her supporters will contest Bill 21, An Act respecting the laicity of the State, while the Attorney-General will defend Bill 21, as will three intervenors: the Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ or Quebec Secular Movement), the organization Pour le droit des femmes du Québec (PDF-Q or For Women’s Rights in Quebec) and ourselves Atheist Freethinkers (AFT).

AFT’s intervention will occur at some date near the end of the proceedings, in early December. The precise date will be announced soon.

AFT On-line Event
Saturday 14th November 2020 at 2 pm

Talk by Pierre CLOUTIER LL.M.

“What is at Stake with Quebec’s State Secularism Law, Bill 21, from a Legal Perspective”

Register for the AFT event, Nov. 14, 2020

Language : French

Technology : Zoom

The talk will be followed by a period of questions and discussion.
The Zoom link will be provided to those registered, several hours before the event.

Open to all. Free.
All participants must use a video camera and show their face throughout the meeting.

Fundraising Campaign
for our court intervention

Donate to our Legal Fund

Coming Soon

2nd On-Line Talk (in French)
by Hamou IGGUI

Register for the AFT Event
of Dec. 12, 2020

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