AFT Bulletin, 2022-02-07

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Hereditary Religion

On-line Talk, 2022-02-12, 2 pm EST

Pierre Marchand [in French]

Hereditary religion: Why and how to fight it; Secular schools, Bill 21 and those who oppose it.

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Blog 136: Multiculturalism and Colonialism

Pierre Marchand

“Canadian colonialism is one of the reasons we have not managed to abolish the function of General Governor and to distance Canada from the British crown like Australia intends to do after the death of her gracious British majesty, or to resolve the problem of First Nations.”

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Blog 135: Four Myths about Quebec Bill 21

David Rand

NO, Bill 21 is NOT discriminatory,
it does NOT disadvantage believers,
it does NOT violate the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and
it has NOT been found incompatible with the Canadian Charter.

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Blog 134: Short Dialogue: We Are Born Atheists

Pierre Marchand

“Religions know that children are malleable, that they aren’t yet capable of critical thinking, that they’ll swallow any nonsense and that it will be very difficult to get rid of it later on.”

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No, We Are Not Guilty

2022-01-29: Marking the fifth anniversary of the Quebec City mosque attack

Pro-religious propagandists try to link the Quebec City mosque massacre to Bill 21. Such allegations are pure slander, with no basis in reality. Here is a text from two years ago, on the occasion of the third anniversary.

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AFT Forum

Forum LPA

Our new forum for member discussions

This forum is for paid-up members, but there is a part where the general public can participate. Member or not, you must first register.

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In the News:

France: Death Threats for a Report on Islamism

Those threatened have received the support of several journalists’ associations. This contrasts with the cowardice which is the rule in Canada…

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In the News:

Masih Alinejad Opposes Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia Bill

This initiative by American congresswoman Ilhan Omar is just another chapter in the campaign of political Islam to influence governments everywhere and anywhere.

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