Yasmine’s comment about organizations in Canada outside Quebec which claim to support secularism but oppose Bill 21:
“So these so-called ‘secular’ groups and ‘atheist’ groups, really it’s embarrassing that they are so ignorant about the true meaning of secularism and the true purpose of secularism. But unfortunately we do see that, because the general understanding of the term secularism is freedom OF religion and they forget that it also should mean freedom FROM religion.”
“The book traces the history of secularism in France, the United States, England and Canada. It exposes the excesses resulting from a weak separation between State and religions, as is currently the case in Canada and the United States.”
“The book proposes a universalist model including the equality of all humans, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity, freedom of conscience and separation between the State and all religions.”
“Finally, the author takes issue with the ideas of the post-left which rejects the ideals of the Enlightenment.[…]”
“If religion is an identity, then it is no longer a freedom. Moreover, this vision of religion directly contradicts Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which proclaims the freedom to change one’s religion or belief precisely in the name of freedom of conscience, thought and religion.”
Saturday 14th January 2023
2:00 to 4:00 pm
Topic of discussion:
Action Plan 2023, to promote atheism
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