AFT Bulletin, 2024-07-08

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Prayers in Public Spaces, Letter from RPL to Minister Roberge

The Rassemblement pour la laïcité (RPL) writes to Minister Jean-François Roberge

It is our opinion that the State should prohibit religious ceremonies that obstruct public access or require the reservation of public space for adherents of one religion to the exclusion of others. This should apply, among other things, to parks, streets, public squares and government buildings.

Such a measure would ensure free access to public space for all citizens, without discrimination on religious grounds. It would not prevent religious expression, nor limit freedom of expression in public space. On the contrary, it would be a guarantee for all, regardless of religious affiliation or lack thereof.

We are convinced that such legislation would strengthen the secularism of our society while respecting individual rights and freedoms.

Read the full letter…

Lockean Pseudosecularism, 2024-07-02

Online Talk for Atheists for Liberty (AFL)

Host: Thomas Sheedy
Guest Speaker: David Rand

Lockean Pseudosecularism, Online Talk for AFL

The Lockean variant of “secularism”—dominant in the Anglosphere—is very incomplete, as it fails to separate religions from the State.

“…Anglo-American political activism has so thoroughly embraced what is arguably one of the worst products of French culture—postmodern philosophy—while simultaneously rejecting one of its finest realizations—secularism…”

Watch the video…

Highlights of AFT Presentation to Comité des sages

The mandate of the Comité des sages (Committee of Experts) is to advise the Quebec government on the subject of so-called “gender identity.” Atheist Freethinkers prepared a brief (in French) on that issue which we presented to the Comité des sages on 21st May 2024. Here are some highlights.

Consult full list of highlights…

AFT Events

On-line Gathering, 13th July 2024, 2 pm

Subject of discussion (in French) :
What questions would we like to see in a real poll about religion?

Register on Zoom…

No Event in August

In-Person Gathering, 14th September 2024, 2 pm

Première Moisson, 4445 Ontario East, Montreal (QC), Canada

Register for this event…

In the News

MLQ, PDF-Q & Quebec Ask for Disqualification of Justice Jamal

The Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ), the organization Pour les droits des femmes du Québec (PDF-Q) and the Attorney General of Quebec have each written to the Supreme Court of Canada requesting that Justice Mahmud Jamal be withdrawn from the case involving Quebec Bill 21 because Jamal was on the Board of the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA), or even its president, at the time the CCLA initiated its challenge to Bill 21.

Read this news story…

Religious Ceremonies in the Parks and Streets of Montreal

Unlike sports activities, festivals, parties and shows which are open to all, a religious ceremony such as a group prayer is only accessible to followers of a particular religion. Such a celebration involves the notion of ritual purity, discriminatory by nature.

Read this news story…

Angus-Reid Poll

Belief in God and an Afterlife

Quebeckers and Francophones are a little less credulous than other Canadians.

Angus-Reid Poll 2024-03-27

Consult results of this poll…

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