AFT Bulletin, 2024-10-22

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Book Launches: Un simulacre de laïcité

French version of Stillbirth
The Failure of Secularism in the English-Speaking World

Un Simulacre de laïcité, L’échec du sécularisme dans le monde anglophone

Quebec City

Le mardi 29 octobre 2024, 7 pm

1394, chemin Sainte Foy, Québec

In collaboration with Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ)

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Wednesday 6th November 2024, 6 pm

262 Avenue du Mont-Royal Est, Montréal

In collaboration with Rassemblement pour la laïcité (RPL)

Register for this event…

The English version Stillbirth is also available.

Blog 145: Tax Privileges of Religions

Pierre Marchand

“At the federal level, registered charities are exempt from income tax, property tax as well as municipal and school taxes. They can also recover a portion of any sales tax they have paid. To get a clear idea of ​​the situation, note that in Quebec, in 2019, there were 3701 registered charities working to relieve poverty, 2568 working for the advancement of education and 4330 working for the advancement religion.[…]”

“Canada thus grants registered charity status to hundreds of organizations that offer no social benefit other than that of ‘promoting religion’.[…]”

“The advancement of religion (propaganda, proselytism, pastoral activities, missionary work) must therefore be removed from the definition of charitable purposes in federal and provincial laws, since these activities only benefit the organizations themselves. If churches support charitable works, fine, they can deduct the cost of their contribution, but not the cost of their propaganda.”

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Blog 144: Indigenous Residential School Fanaticism as Performance Art

David Rand

“In September 2024, NDP Member of Parliament Leah Gazan introduced draft legislation C-413, a private member’s bill which would penalize ‘hatred against Indigenous peoples by condoning, denying, downplaying or justifying the Indian residential school system in Canada’ and would punish infractions with up to two years in prison. It is not precisely clear what would constitute an infraction of this law, in particular the word ‘downplaying,’ if it is adopted. Would claiming that the indigenous residential school system constituted cultural genocide but not physical genocide be a criminal act? Does the author of this draft law want to throw the members of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission into prison? Would the dissident historians who disagree with the Canadian Historical Association also be thrown in prison? Would this very blog be illegal under C-413?”

Read the full blog…

Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024

Saturday 26th October 2024. 2 pm (Montreal time) by Zoom

Open to members in good standing, who will receive the Zoom link by email. Information in our forum.

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