Category: In the News

News articles

In the News: Québécois Solidly Support Banning Religious Symbols

Nearly two-thirds of Quebecers support public-sector ban on religious symbols, poll finds, Jonathan Montpetit, CBC News, 2018-11-26. Most Quebecers are in favour of banning public-sector workers from wearing religious symbols, according to a CROP poll released ahead of the first

In the News: The Missionary and His Indoctrination

La bêtise religieuse (Religious Stupidity), Loïc Tassé, Journal de Montréal, 2018-11-25. The attempt by John Allen Chau to convert the Sentinelese tribe was particularly stupid, illustrating once again the unhealthy role which religion plays in our societies. Chau’s decision was

In the News: Tunisia: Gender Equality in Inheritance Law

Tunisian cabinet approves controversial gender equality in inheritance law, Al Arabiya English, 2018-11-24. The Tunisian cabinet has approved on Friday the law of gender equality in inheritance, to be discussed in the parliament dominated by Ennahda Movement before being effective

In the News: Federal FGM Ban Ruled Unconstitutional

Federal Ban on Female Genital Mutilation Ruled Unconstitutional by Judge, Pam Belluck, New York Times, 2018-11-21. The case, the first to be brought under the 1996 law that criminalized female genital mutilation, has been closely followed by human rights advocates

In the News: Religious Headwear to be Allowed in U.S. Congress

New Muslim congresswoman will seek to allow religious headwear in the House, AJ Willingham, CNN, 2018-11-19. Last week, Democrats announced a proposal to end a rule that bans headwear on the House floor. Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, one of the first

In the News: Supreme Court Upholds Kirpan Ban in Legislature

Supreme Court upholds National Assembly’s ban on kirpans, The Canadian Press, CTV News Montreal, 2018-10-25 OTTAWA – The Supreme Court of Canada has refused to hear the appeal of a Sikh man and woman who were prohibited from entering Quebec’s

In the News: ECHR Condemns “Defaming” Muhammed

Defaming Prophet Muhammed not free expression: ECHR, Such defamation could stir up prejudice and risk religious peace, says European Court of Human Rights, Anadolu Agency, 2018-10-25 STRASBOURG – Defaming the Prophet Muhammed “goes beyond the permissible limits of an objective

In the News: Poland: KŁF Denounces Judgment Against NIE for Blasphemy

Statement of the Kazimierz Łyszczyński Foundation on the judgment concerning the caricature of Jesus in the weekly “NIE”, Kazimierz Łyszczyński Foundation, 2018-10-16. Jesus is amazed because statistics show that believers are leaving the faith. The Kazimierz Łyszczynski Foundation expresses its

In the News: Nadia El-Mabrouk: Secularism is Necessary for the Emancipation of Women

Dans un monde réel près de chez vous (In a Real World in your Neighbourhood), Nadia El-Mabrouk, La Presse, 2018-10-11 For Nadia El-Mabrouk, secularism is a the first and foremost condition necessary for the emancipation of women and development. While

In the News: Profs Against Religious Symbols

Des enseignantes contre les signes religieux (Teachers Against Religious Symbols), Yves Poirier, Journal de Montréal, 2018-10-10 The new premier of Quebec, François Legault, and his CAQ party, have received the support of several public school teachers. Several teachers orginally from

In the News: Djemila Benhabib Calls for Decisive Action on Secularism

Laïcité: le nouveau gouvernement doit agir avec rigueur et diligence (Secularism: The New Government Must Act With Rigour and Diligence), Djemila Benhabib, leNouvelliste, 2018-10-06 Djemila Benhabib is a writer, secular activist and recipient of the Prix international de la laïcité

In the News: Legault Advances Secularism Measures

François Legault would invoke notwithstanding clause to ban hijabs from civil service, Benjamin Shingler, CBC News, 2018-10-02. Quebec’s premier-designate says he is prepared to invoke the notwithstanding clause to enforce a prohibition on any public employee from wearing a religious

In the News: Ireland Holds Blasphemy Referendum, October 26th

Atheist Ireland: Referendum on blasphemy about freedom of speech, Irish Examiner, 2018-09-30. Irish Atheists will today launch their campaign for a Yes vote in October’s referendum on removing the offence of blasphemy from the Constitution. […] Chairperson Michael Nugent said

In the News: Maxime Bernier Denounces the Cult of Diversity

Tory MP Bernier criticized for saying ‘more diversity’ will ‘destroy’ what makes Canada great, Rachel Aiello, CTV News, 2018-08-13 Outspoken Conservative MP and failed leadership contender Maxime Bernier is facing criticism from within his caucus, and beyond, over a series

In the News: Canada Should Boycott Saudia Arabia

Une guerre que le Canada doit gagner (A War Which Canada Must Win), Loïc Tassé, Journal de Montréal, 2018-08-11. Considering the extreme reaction of Saudia Arabia to Canada’s declaration criticizing human rights abuses in that country, and in particular the

In the News: Promoting Child Abuse in Advertising

HijabPublicity Stunt? Gap Ad With Hijab-Wearing Girl Stirs Twitter Controversy, Sputnik News, 2018-08-10. Users seem to have divided opinions on the brand’s new back-to-school campaign. Some lambast the hijab as a tool of oppression, while others believe that the ad

In the News: Interview with David Rand, Conatus News

Quebec is Currently Leading a Secular Revolution in Canada. Here’s How., Scott Jacobsen, Conatus News, 2018-07-10 The text of the interview is also available locally on this site.

In the News: Twenty Years Prison for Removing Her Veil

Iranian woman who protested headscarf gets 20-year sentence, Associated Press, 2018-07-1.0 An Iranian woman who removed her obligatory Islamic headscarf out of protest in December says she has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. Shapark Shajarizadeh posted on her

In the News: New Hampshire Bans Female Genital Mutilation

The AHA (Ayaan Hirsi Ali) Foundation, which campaigns against female genital mutilation (FGM), also known as female excision, announces that New Hampshire has recently criminalizes the excision of young girls and thus becomes the 27th state of the United States

In the News: PDF Québec Intervenes in the Court Challenge to Bill 62, but for the Niqab Ban

From an announcement on Facebook Great news! In the court challenge to the Religious Neutrality Bill 62, PDF Québec has been recognized as intervener. As you have learned from media reports, the Superior Court has maintained the suspension of the

In the News: Ensaf Haidar Calls For Ban on Full Veil

Wife of jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi calls for burqa ban in Ontario, Rahul Kalvapalle, Global News, 2018-07-01 The wife of jailed Saudi blogger Raif Badawi has called on Ontario Premier Doug Ford to ban the use of Islamic face

In the News: Denmark and Iceland May Ban Non-Medical Circumcision

Denmark Talks (Reluctantly) About a Ban on Circumcising Boys, Martin Selsoe Sorensen, New York Times, 2018-06-02 In Denmark, any proposal that can gather 50,000 signatures on Parliament’s official petition website is legally entitled to a debate and vote. A citizens’

In the News: Denmark Bans Face Coverings in Public

Denmark becomes latest European country to ban full Islamic face veil in public spaces , Telegraph, 2018-05-31. The Danish parliament on Thursday passed a law banning the Islamic full-face veil in public spaces, becoming the latest European country to do

In the News: Government Rejects Petition e-763 Against Religious Exception in Hate Propaganda

The federal government has rejected parliamentary petition e-763, lauched by AFT to request the repeal of the religious exception, i.e. paragraph 319(3)(b), in the Canadian law against hate propaganda (in the Criminal Code). Here is the essential part of the

In the News: IHEU Corrects Vatican About Freedom From Religion

Actually, ‘freedom from religion’ is a human right, IHEU tells Vatican at the UN, Elizabeth O’Casey, IHEU, 2018-03-09 Humanists at the UN have today strongly rejected claims from the Vatican delegation that ‘freedom from religion’ is not a human right.