Category: In the News

News articles

In the News: Egypt May Imprison Atheists

Égypte : les athées seront-ils bientôt mis en prison ? (Egypt: Will Atheists Soon be Imprisoned?), France 2 Television, 2018-02-27 A French television network reports that Egypt may soon pass legislation which would criminalize non-belief and punish it with fines or even

In the News: Elections Québec Now Accepts Candidates With Head Coverings

Quebec nixes rule forcing political candidates to remove head coverings, CBC News, 2018-02-21 Quebec’s chief electoral officer is changing a regulation that prevented people who wear religious head coverings from running for provincial office. For nearly 30 years, all potential

In the News: Abortion Law Reform To Be Debated in Argentine Congress

Abortion Debate in Argentina Gains Momentum as Macri Says He Won’t Block It in Congress, The Bubble, 2018-02-23 The Casa Rosada has indicated it will not attempt to block a debate in Congress on proposals to decriminalize and legalize abortions.

In the News: President of Tunisian Tunisian Assaulted

Le président de l’Association des Libres penseurs tunisiens agressé, la Fédération française de la Libre Pensée adresse une lettre ouverte à l’ambassadeur de Tunisie en France (President of Tunisian Freethinkers Assaulted, French Freethought Federation Writes to the Tunisian Ambassador in

In the News: Iranian Women Bravely Remove Veils Publicly, Risk Arrest

Click to view video An elderly Iranian woman removes and agitates her veil in protest. She is apparently not one of those arrested. Iranian police arrest 29 for involvement in hijab protests, Eliza Mackintosh, CNN, 2018-02-03. Police in the Iranian

In the News: Supreme Court Rejects Privilege for Aboriginal Spirituality

Top court deals blow to Indigenous peoples, Nathan VanderKlippe, The Globe and Mail, 2017-11-02 The Supreme Court of Canada has declined to grant special protection for religious freedom for aboriginal peoples, ruling that a private ski resort in British Columbia

In the News: Markham, Ontario, Mayor Enables Political Islam

Click to view full size Proclamation, City of Markham, Ontario To the long list of dupes of political Islam, we can now add the name of the mayor Frank Scarpitti of the Ontario city of Markham, who has issued a

In the News: Quebeckers from Muslim Background Denounce Exploitation of January 29

Un an après l’attentat de la mosquée de Québec, apaiser le climat social (One Year After the Quebec City Mosque Attack, Social Climate Needs Calm), Ferid Chikhi, Nadia El-Mabrouk, Ali Kaidi & Leila Lesbet of the Association québécoise des Nord-Africains

In the News: Djemila Benhabib denounces “indecent” exploitation of January 29

Un drame et son instrumentalisation (A Tragedy and Its Exploitation), Djemila Benhabib, le Nouvelliste, 2018-01-26 We still do not know the motives of Alexandre Bissonnette, the presumed murderer, whose trial begins on March 26th 2018. Nevertheless, Islamist lobbyists, politicians at

In the News: Relative of Victim Rejects Day Against “Islamophobia”

Attentat à la mosquée de Québec, Il n’y a pas d’islamophobie au Québec, selon une proche d’une victime (Attack on Quebec City Mosque, There is no Islamophobia in Quebec, Says Relative of Victim), TVA Nouvelles, 2018-01-23 A year after the

In the News: Fake News of Hijab Scissor Attack

Hijab scissor attack against 11-year-old did not occur: Police, Jenna Moon, Toronto Star, 2018-01-15 Police say the events described did not occur. […] Toronto Police say they have concluded that an incident reported Friday in which an eleven-year-old girl’s hijab

In the News: Charlie Hebdo, Three Years After

Click to enlarge Front page of CH#1328 Il has been three years since the attack on the satiric newspaper Charlie Hebdo, on January 7th 2015. In an editorial entitled “Freedom of Expression, What Does It Cost?” and published in no.

In the News: Iran Claims to Soften Dress Code for Women

Tehran Police Say Women Will No Longer Be Arrested For Violating ‘Islamic’ Dress Code, Hayley Miller, Huffington Post Canada, 2017-12-28. Police in Iran’s capital are loosening up restrictions regarding dress code after decades of pushback from women in the country.

In the News: Egypt to Ban Atheism

Egypt’s parliament takes serious actions to combat atheism, Marina Gamil, Egypt Today, 2018-01-04 CAIRO – 4 January 2018: Parliament’s Committee on Religion is about to prepare an explanatory note on the draft law to criminalize atheism in Egypt, amongst several

In the News: Ireland: Abortion Law Changes

Eighth Amendment committee agrees to recommend abortion law changes, Sarah Bardon, The Irish Times, 2017-12-13. The Oireachtas committee on the Eighth Amendment has agreed to recommend a series of changes to abortion laws, including access to terminations without restriction up

In the News: Saudia Arabia: Apostasy Penalty Unchanged

Official source denies allegations that the Kingdom is planning to abolish apostasy penalty, Saudi Press Agency, 2017-12-02. An official source declared to the Saudi Press Agency that the allegations published by some sources in good intention or otherwise that the

In the News: MNA Agnès Malthais proposes a commission on indoctrination by sects

Endoctrinement des sectes: Maltais veut une commission parlementaire (Indoctrination by Sects: Maltais Wants a Parliamentary Commission), Ian Bussières, Le Soleil, 2017-11-23 MNA Agnès Malthais has asked the Commission on Institutions of the Quebec National Assembly to investigate methods of indoctrination

In the News: Transport Canada Allows Small Blades on Airplanes

Transport Canada decision to allow blades on planes incurs wrath of Quebec politicians, Angelica Montgomery, CBC News, 2017-11-22. In a nearly unanimous vote, Quebec’s lawmakers have passed a motion asking the federal government to review Transport Canada’s decision to allow

In the News: In Malaysia, Atheism is “Unconstitutional”?

Atheism is ‘unconstitutional’, says Malaysian deputy minister: Report, Channel NewsAsia, 2017-11-23. KUALA LUMPUR: Atheism is “unconstitutional” and should not be allowed in Malaysia, said Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Dr Asyraf Wajdi Dusuki […] atheism “contradicts” both the

In the News: Charlottesville: White Supremacists & Islamist Extremists Have Much in Common

The Charlottesville Aftermath Showed What White Supremacists and Islamist Extremists Have in Common, Muhammad Fraser-Rahim & Muna Adil, Newsweek, 2017-08-26 (The authors are associated with Quilliam International.) This grievance and victimhood narrative is one that is strikingly similar in both

In the News: Launch of Atheist Magazine in Poland

Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation, Press Release 2017-08-10 Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation to Launch Przeglad Ateistyczny FKL (KLF Atheist Review) Warsaw, Poland, August 10th, 2017 – The Kazimierz Lyszczynski Foundation announced today that the premier issue of the first ever atheist magazine in

In the News: Interview with David Rand, Conatus News

 Interview with David Rand, President of Atheist Freethinkers, Scott Jacobsen, 2017-08-03 Some excerpts from the above interview: Undoubtedly the greatest threat for atheists is politicised religion, when religion obtains political power. This is most obvious when that power is exercised

In the News: Ex-Muslims Meet in London

Largest gathering of ex-Muslims in history, CEMB (Council of Ex-Muslims of Britain), 2017-07-25. The International Conference on Freedom of Conscience and Expression, the largest gathering of ex-Muslims in history, was held during 22-24 July 2017 in London. Over 70 notable

In the News: Canada’s Blasphemy Law May Soon be History

Bill would reform Criminal Code provisions on rape shield, 3rd-party records, Cristin Schmitz, The Lawyer’s Daily, 2017-06-06 Excellent news: with Draft Bill C-51, Canada’s blasphemy law may soon be gone! The proposed legislation would repeal several offences enacted decades ago,

In the News: A Month in Prison for Breaking Ramadan Fast in Tunisia

Un mois de prison après avoir mangé en public pendant le ramadan (A month of prison for eating in public during ramadan), AFP, Huffington Post Tunisie, 2017-06-01 Four Tunisians have been sentenced to a month in prison for eating in