AFT Meetup 11 June 2022

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AFT Meetup 13 August 2022

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Saturday 13 August 2022 from 16:30 to 18:30. Meetup at 16:30 at restaurant USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est Montréal — metro Beaudry, go up Beaudry St. to Ontario, OR — metro Sherbrooke, go down Berri MSt. to

AFT Online Talk, “L’athéisme d’État” 10 Sept. 2022


AFT On-Line Meetup, Saturday September 10th 2022, 2 - 4 pm. Conférence de Jean-Philippe Cossette L’ATHÉISME D’ÉTAT - POURQUOI EST-IL NÉCESSAIRE? The Zoom link will be available on the registration page shortly before the event. REGISTER for this meetup A

AFT Meetup 08 October 2022

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AFT Meetup 08 October 2022 Saturday afternoon, October 08, 2022, 4:30 - 6:30 pm Usine Grecque Le Village 1345 Rue Ontario E · Montréal, QC Subject of discussion: RESULTS OF THE OCTOBER 3RD QUEBEC ELECTION AND IMPLICATIONS FOR SECULARISM REGISTRATION:

YASMINE MOHAMMED, 19th November 2022

AFT On-Line Event (in English) Saturday afternoon, November 19, 2022, 2 - 4 pm. A Conversation with YASMINE MOHAMMED, author of Unveiled INFORMATION REGISTRATION:

AFT Meetup 10 December 2022

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Saturday afternoon, December 10, 2022, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. Usine Grecque Le Village 1345 Rue Ontario E · Montréal, QC PLEASE NOTE THE UNUSUAL STARTING TIME: 4:30 pm. Suggested topic of discussion: IRANIAN WOMEN, VANGUARD OF THE FIGHT AGAINST ISLAMIC

Book Launch: “Stillbirth” 2023-01-18

Librairie Le Port de tête 269 Avenue du Mont-Royal Est, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Book Launch Stillbirth The Failure of Secularism in the English-Speaking World How Anglo Ethnocentrism, French Postmodernism and Fashionable Nonsense have Neutralized Secularism by David Rand — Foreword by Nina Sankari Wednesday 18th January 2023 @ 6:00 pm Librairie Le Port de tête

AFT In-person event, 11 Feb. 2023

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AFT In-person event, 11 Feb. 2023 REGISTRATION:

AFT On-line Event, 11 March 2023

Conférence virtuelle de Jean Thibaudeau : « Abolir la protection juridique accordée aux PRATIQUES religieuses » AFT On-line Event, 11 March 2023 REGISTRATION:

AFT In-person event, 15 April 2023

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AFT In-person event, 15 April 2023 REGISTRATION:

The Failure of Secularism — Humanist Ottawa


The Failure of Secularism—A Humanist Ottawa Learning Event, Online An on-line event, by Humanist Ottawa, featuring David Rand, president of LPA-AFT, who will discuss his recent book “Stillbirth, The Failure of Secularism in the English-Speaking World.” Zoom link of the

AFT On-Line Event, 13 May 2023

AFT On-Line Event, 13 May 2023 Talk by Jean Thibaudeau : « Proposition de modification des Chartes pour supprimer les privilèges religieux » REGISTRATION:

AFT In-Person Meeting, 10th June 2023

Pub Ste-Élisabeth 1412 rue Ste-Élisabeth, Montréal, Québec, Canada

AFT In-person event, 10 June 2023, 3:30 pm to 6:30 pm PLEASE NOTE: start time of 3:30 pm At the Ste-Élisabeth Pub, 1412 Sainte-Élisabeth, 5 minutes from Berri-UQAM metro REGISTRATION:

AFT In-Person Meeting, 14th October 2023

Pub Ste-Élisabeth 1412 rue Ste-Élisabeth, Montréal, Québec, Canada

N.B. : Please note the starting time, 3:30 pm Pub Ste-Élisabeth, 1412 Ste-Élisabeth, métro Berri-UQAM or Saint-Laurent *** We will be on the terrace, weather permitting *** If not, join us inside. REGISTRATION:

AFT On-Line Talk, 11th November 2023

“Wokism” as a Parareligion (in English) Although debate continues on how best to describe the so-called “woke” movement, there is general consensus among many authors and observers that it is a very damaging, cult-like movement which has rejected Enlightenment universalism.

AFT In-Person Meeting, 9th December 2023

Pub Ste-Élisabeth 1412 rue Ste-Élisabeth, Montréal, Québec, Canada


AFT In-Person Meeting, 10th February 2024

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada


AFT On-line Talk by André Borowski (in French)

LES PATHOLOGIES RELIGIEUSES Conférence en ligne d’ANDRÉ BOROWSKI 9 mars 2024, 14h à 16h, heure de Montréal. Au niveau épistémologique, les différences entre les connaissances scientifiques et les religions sont abyssales. Popper, « créateur » du critère de falsification, voulait

AFT In-Person Meeting, 13th April 2024

USINE GRECQUE LE VILLAGE 1345 rue Ontario est, Montréal, Québec, Canada