Informal Meetup December 2014

CCGLM 2075, rue Plessis, bureau 110, Montréal, Quebec, Canada

Informal Meetup March 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Remembering Algerian Victims of Fundamentalist Terror : Karima Bennoune Speaks

Unnamed Venue 6767, chemin de la Côte-des-Neiges, 6e étage, Montreal, quebec, Canada

Evening of remembrance of victims of fundamentalist terror in Algeria This event is organized by Ajouad Algérie Mémoires Montreal Watch Ms. Bennoune's TED talk: When people of Muslim heritage challenge fundamentalism

Informal Meetup April 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Informal Meetup May 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

SIT-IN, Algerian Consulate, Montreal

Algerian Consulate 3415 Saint-Urbain, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

SIT-IN across from the Algerian Consulate, Montreal In solidarity with Algerian women, we appeal to all Quebeckers who support secularism — the only true, real secularism — and the rights of women to join us on Saturday June 13th at

Informal Meetup June 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Informal Meetup July 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Informal Meetup August 2015

Resto Végo St-Denis 1720 St-Denis, Montreal, Quebec, Canada