Atheist Freethinkers

Laura-Lee Balkwill


Laura-Lee Balkwill


Laura-Lee Balkwill is a Licensed Humanist Officiant with Humanist Canada. She is also a founder of the Kingston Humanist Association, a member of the Humanist Association of Ontario, and the current Vice-President of Humanist Canada. She received her PhD in Brain, Behaviour and Cognitive Science from York University and has had her research (i.e. cross-cultural communication; online curriculum development) published in peer-reviewed journals.

Synopsis of Presentation

Building a Secular Community

Congratulations on your deity-free existence. Now that you have firmly established yourself as a non-believer you can go forth and...well, what is it exactly that non-believers do? Aside from feeling superior to those who do subscribe to a theistic belief system, what do atheists, free-thinkers, and Humanists contribute to their communities? Do we build houses of non-worship and make them available for community events and after-school activities? Do we raise money for charity? Do we promote and defend a top-notch secular school system? Do we visit the sick, the institutionalized, and the bereaved? What should we be doing to build and nurture a strong secular community?