In the News:
Trump Establishes Faith Office

Among the various Executive Orders (EOs) recently issued by USA President Donald Trump, two reinforce religious privilege in that country ...

In the News:
Senate of France Bans Religious Symbols in Sports

Le Sénat adopte une proposition de loi pour interdire le port de signes religieux dans les compétitions sportives (Senate adopts ...

In the News:
FFRF Capitulates to Butlerian Pseudoscience, Dawkins Withdraws

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is a major American secularist organization which prides itself on promoting separation of State ...

In the News:
Overview of the Year 2024 and Secularism

2024, une année centrale pour la laïcité de l’État (2024, Pivotal year for State Secularism), Marie-Claude Girard, Le Devoir, 2024-12-30 ...

In the News:
Quebec Asks for Repeal of Religious Exception

Discours haineux: Simon Jolin-Barrette demande à Ottawa d’en finir avec l’exemption religieuse (Hate Propaganda: Simon Jolin-Barrette asks Ottawa to put ...

In the News:
France: Decriminalize Apology for Terrorism?

French Minister Denounces Push To Remove 'Apology For Terrorism' From Penal Code, Agence France Presse (AFP), Barron’s, 2024-11-25. France’s justice ...

In the News:
Yves Gingras Recipient of Science and Secularism Prize

Yves Gingras, Prix Science et laïcité 2024, Prix de la Laïcité, Comité laïcité république, 2024-11-07. As part of its annual ...

In the News:
Discrimination in Childcare Centres

Trente-six CPE sélectionnent selon l’ethnie ou la religion (Thirty-six childcare centres select according to ethnicity or religion), Francis Vailles, La ...

In the News:
International Competition #MockingGod

#MockingGod: Charlie Hebdo’s International competition, Charlie Hebdo, 2024-11-13. To those who are fed up with living in a society ruled ...

In the News:
Vaccination Exemptions on Religious Grounds

Des fonctionnaires exemptés de vaccination contre la COVID-19 grâce à... Dieu. Certains croyaient que les vaccins contenaient des cellules de ...

In the News:
NSS warns UK Government about danger of Islamophobia Definition

'Religion-phobia' definitions must be avoided, NSS warns Government. NSS tells Angela Rayner adopting 'Islamophobia' definition will exacerbate tensions and threaten ...

In the News: MLQ, PDF-Q & Quebec Ask for Disqualification of Justice Jamal

The Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ), the organization Pour les droits des femmes du Québec (PDF-Q) and the Attorney General of ...
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