In the News:
Vaccination Exemptions on Religious Grounds

Des fonctionnaires exemptés de vaccination contre la COVID-19 grâce à... Dieu. Certains croyaient que les vaccins contenaient des cellules de ...

In the News:
NSS warns UK Government about danger of Islamophobia Definition

'Religion-phobia' definitions must be avoided, NSS warns Government. NSS tells Angela Rayner adopting 'Islamophobia' definition will exacerbate tensions and threaten ...

In the News: MLQ, PDF-Q & Quebec Ask for Disqualification of Justice Jamal

The Mouvement laïque québécois (MLQ), the organization Pour les droits des femmes du Québec (PDF-Q) and the Attorney General of ...

In the News: Religious Ceremonies in the Parks and Streets of Montreal

Islamic holiday celebration in Montreal park draws ire from secularists, Joe Bongiorno, The Canadian Press, Microsoft Start, 2024-06-20. MONTREAL — ...

In the News:
Renew Notwithstanding Clause to Protect Bill 21

Laïcité de l’État : Québec renouvelle l’utilisation de la clause dérogatoire (State Secularism: Quebec Renews its Use of the Notwithstanding ...

In the News:
End Religious Hate Speech!

Le Bloc québécois redépose son « projet de loi Charkaoui » (The Bloc québécois re-tables its “Charkaoui Bill”), Boris Proulx, ...

In the News:
Trans Surgeries Banned for Minors in Alberta

Danielle Smith unveils sweeping changes to Alberta’s student gender identity, sports and surgery policies, Michelle Bellefontaine, CBC News, 2024-01-31. Alberta ...

In the News:
English Montreal School Board Wastes Taxpayers’ Money

Commission scolaire English-Montréal: 1,3 M$ pour contester la Loi sur la laïcité de l’État (English Montreal School Board: $1.3 million ...

In the News:
Nobel Peace Prize to Narges Mohammadi

Iran’s Narges Mohammadi wins Nobel Peace Prize for her work fighting oppression of women, Thomson Reuters, CBC, 2023-10-06. Narges Mohammadi, ...

In the News:
Court Rejects Appeal concerning Prayer Spaces in Schools

Quebec judge denies request to appeal decision maintaining school prayer space ban, Jacob Serebrin, CTV News, 2023-07-26-court. A Muslim organization ...

In the News:
Municipal Funding of Opponents of Bill 21 is Illegal

Press Release of Droits collectifs Québec (DCQ) Funding of Bill 21 Opponents by the City of Toronto The Importance of ...

In the News:
UN Human Rights Council Resolution Against Burning the Quran

UN rights body votes in favour of banning Quran burnings, National Secular Society (UK), 2023-07-12. Members of the UN Human ...
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