Tag: laicite

Blog 130: Republican Secularism versus Secularism

Pierre Marchand 2021-12-16 Let us start by defining a few terms. By republican secularism (laïcité républicaine), we mean the republican model of secularism established by the French Law of Separation of Churches and State of 1905: Article 1 : “The Republic

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Letter to Organizations in RoC about Bill 21: RESPONSES

2020-04-10 The following is a report of responses to our letter to various atheist, humanist, secularist or skeptic organizations in Canada outside Quebec, asking each about their position with respect to Quebec’s Bill 21. Summary of Responses Number of Organizations

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Press Release RPL, 2020-04-09

Court Challenge to Quebec Bill 21 on State Secularism The Rassemblement pour la laïcité is satisfiedwith the Supreme Court Decision 2020-04-09 Montreal, Thursday 9th April 2020 — The Rassemblement pour la laïcité (RPL or Alliance for Secularism) expresses its satisfaction with

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