2024-07-02: Lockean Pseudosecularism, Online Talk for AFL
Online Talk for Atheists for Liberty (AFL) Host: Thomas Sheedy Guest Speaker: David Rand Publication Date: 2024-07-05 Video of the Atheists for Liberty (AFL) event of July 2nd 2024, on the subject of Lockean pseudosecularism, comparing it with republican secularism.…
2023-10-13: AAI Hot Seat, Arif Hussain Theruvath Interviews David Rand
The following video, recorded 13th October 2023, is an interview of David Rand, president of LPA-AFT and author of Stillbirth, by Arif Hussain Theruvath as part of the AAI Hot Seat series for Atheist Alliance International. Here are the 18…
2023-04-29: Atheist Society of Melbourne, Talk by David Rand
Atheist Society of Melbourne, AustraliaTalk by David Rand “Stillbirth, The Failure of Secularism in the English-Speaking World” Publication Date: 2023-05-05 The following video is an on-line talk, given for the Atheist Society of Melbourne, on 29th April 2023. This talk…
2023-04-01: Warsaw, Atheist Days, Talk by David Rand
Comparison of English and French Models of Secularism and the Importance of Universalism David Rand Publication Date: 2023-04-15 The following presentation was given by the author at Atheist Days 2023 in Warsaw, Poland, an event organized by the Kazimierz Łyszczyński…
Blog 138: Three Inconvenient Facts about Secularism
David Rand 2022-04-14 There are three important facts which need to be faced if we are to make serious progress towards secularism. The U.S. Constitution is not a good model of secularism. Islamists weaponize the “antiracism” movement in order to…